22 November 2023
22 November 2023VOLUNTEER MAGIC

Long serving ABCI volunteer Lynn Roper at the Choir’s 75th year celebration, July 2014 (Photo: Megan Thomas)
This year is Pat’s first as a volunteer for the ABCI, which he manages to fit into his busy life as an associate professor and medical practitioner. His wife, Catherine, is also a volunteer, having been involved with the Caring Team for the past two years. Pat’s role is photographing performances, such as the recent concert held at St Patrick’s Cathedral in Melbourne and Installations, a mix of music performance and acknowledgment of singers who have progressed to the next level of their musical training at the ABCI.
Pat says, ‘It has been a lot of fun! It’s great to get to know the ABCI staff as well as other volunteers better, and to get a greater appreciation of what goes into the beautiful performances. The boys and young men are so talented and it’s a pleasure being up close during their singing and to get a little insight into their personalities when photographing them.’ Getting more out than what you put in has been a big motivator for Pat during his time as a volunteer. ‘It’s a great way to be a part of this community and feel like you are contributing both to the choir and to your son’s development. The thing that puts the biggest smile on my face is seeing my son with all his choir peers and to see the wonderful friendships that they are making. The excitement in the boys when someone graduates to the next level or receives some recognition for their singing is really heartwarming.’ His son, like all the members of the ABCI, puts a lot of time and effort into doing his best for the Choir. ‘Even though my day-to-day life is very busy, I want him to know that his efforts are recognised and that they matter enough to me that I am there to support him as much as I can. I hope that my wife’s and my volunteering will help him to realise just how much we value what he does with the Choir.'LYNN ROPER
Lynn’s time with the ABCI began in 2002 when her eldest son James was seven. He was a little anxious when he first started as he did not know anyone, so Lynn would always stay and do some work in the hall while he was rehearsing. She soon got chatting to other parents doing the same thing and was encouraged to join the Caring Team and to help out at a Weekend Workshop.
‘That was the start of a long and extremely rewarding journey with the ABCI for my whole family. I was to be a part of many teams and groups over the years - from helping out with social events and Bunnings’ barbecues to chaperoning tours and billeting boys from other choirs.' Her youngest son Daniel saw how much she and James were enjoying the choir experience so he too joined as soon as he could. Even Lynn’s parents took part, ferrying boys from one event to another and making hundreds of cupcakes for audition days and social events. They have loved being able to share what has been a big part of their grandsons’ lives. ‘I feel very privileged to have been a part of some fantastic tours with the group both in Australia and overseas, and those times will always be a highlight for me. I have loved being part of an amazing group and watching the boys and their friends mature into the wonderful young men that they are today.' Both of Lynn’s sons still sing with The Vocal Consort, a group made up of men who were once all bright-eyed young singers in the ABCI training choirs. ‘[They] have made some great friends during their choir careers, but the friendships that I made [over] nearly 20 years are so important to me. I love being able to regularly see the people that I met all those years ago through our boys’ time at the ABCI.’ Being part of the ‘behind the scenes’ team has definitely enriched Lynn’s time with the Choir for the whole family. ‘I encourage anyone to help out in whatever small way they can. It doesn’t have to be a huge commitment but getting involved means a better understanding of what happens with your child’s musical career and if they see you are committed to be a part of it too, it really helps. Plus, it’s lots of fun too!ALISON WESTCOTT
Since 2020, Alison has been a member of the Caring Team, as well as the ABCI’s volunteer librarian, a vital role ensuring that all the sheet music used for rehearsals and performances is accounted for, catalogued and easily accessible.
For Alison, the benefits of volunteering for the ABCI are many. The staff are always good-humoured, approachable and fun and she is surrounded by the beautiful sounds of singing. ‘Listening to the boys rehearsing is one of the perks of spending time in the office sorting sheet music.’ ABCI is very much a family affair for Alison, as her brother and sister-in-law have both volunteered for many years, and her sons and nephews are members of the Choir. ‘It’s so rewarding contributing to an institution that has helped shape my sons by giving them so many opportunities to grow and develop both personally and as musicians. The ABCI is a community of like-minded souls, so it is inevitable that the parents have much in common which makes volunteering fun. Volunteering over several years has also meant getting to see the progress of singers as they train. ‘Being in the offi ce regularly, you get to know the staff and boys much better. It’s lovely to see all the boys grow and develop personally and as musicians.' Joining a choir is one of the best ways for your children to develop a love of music. By volunteering for an organisation such as the ABCI, you will not only help your own children to excel, but also support the musical growth of others, and in turn, give back so much to the community.
Volunteer Caring Team at The Edge, Federation Square, March 2023 (Photo: Chris Powney)
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