"★★★★☆ The glorious Agnus Dei, with all four soloists combining beautifully, complemented by the 50 voices and strings, brass and drums, brought this excellent program to a close. Dinopoulos led a tight and well-judged performance, leaving those who had attended either live or digitally with some superb musical memories of this Austrian Encounter."
"The success of this performance was built on the vocal texture achieved. The uniqueness of boys' voices in creating an almost celestial aesthetic has long been the desired goal in sacred music."
"★★★★ With its insightful programming, wide community engagement and high artistic standards, the Australian Boys Choir and its affiliate groups have much to celebrate in their 80th anniversary year."
"It is clear that the Australian Boys Choral Institute is in very good hands. This was a courageous program showing deep thought about the choir, its history and future, and its place in contemporary Australia."
31 March 2021
The Australian Boys Choir are thrilled to perform 'Requiem for an Empress' alongside Simon Rickard at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Ballarat on May 15, and at Sacred Heart Church, Carlton on May 16 2001.
31 March 2021
Anish Nair is a member of The Vocal Consort. TVC joins with the Australian Boys Choir for two performances of ‘Requiem for an Empress’ at St. Patrick’s Cathedral Ballarat on May 15, and at Sacred Heart Church, Carlton on May 16 alongside dulzian player Simon Rickard.
4 March 2021
The Australian Boys Choral Institute are thrilled to be performing A Night at the Opera featuring international pianist Andrea Katz on the 25th of March at Hawthorn Arts Centre. Also starring baritone Stephen Marsh, The Vocal Consort and The Australian Boys Choir Performing Squad.
4 March 2021
The Australian Boys Choral Institute are thrilled to be performing A Night at the Opera alongside Stephen Marsh on the 25th of March at Hawthorn Arts Centre. Also starring international pianist Andrea Katz, The Vocal Consort and The Australian Boys Choir Performing Squad.
3 March 2021
Oliver Clarke is a member of the Australian Boys Choir, he’s excited to be performing as part of the Performing Squad for ‘A Night at the Opera’ on March 25th at Hawthorn Town Hall.
8 February 2021
We were extremely fortunate our venue partners had the ‘green light’ to welcome some of our most advanced singers for a COVID-safe Summer Music School to kick off the year.
11 November 2020
Read Deb Damman's letter of support for our Christmas Giving Appeal.
"Your dollar will place a page of sheet music in the hands of a young singer, and its value will be returned ten-fold upon attendance of an ABCI concert in 2021."
Consider donating via the Choir's Give Now platform today.
7 September 2020
Australian Boys Choir singer George Stirling performs “Meet Me In The Middle Of The Air” for ABC TV's 7.30 program.
20 July 2020
Nick Dinopoulos, Artistic Director of The Australian Boys Choir was recently interviewed by Fever Pitch Magazine. They discuss Nick's career, the Australian Boys Choir fantastic musical staff and transitioning to online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.
9 July 2020
Listen to our Artistic Director, Nick Dinopoulos in conversation with Tamara Oudyn on ABC Melbourne's Drive program. They were speaking about the impact of Covid-19 on choirs and how technology like zoom has come to the rescue.
6 June 2020
Hear from Rachel Atkinson cellist, music educator and the newest member of the ABCI Board on the importance of giving to help preserve 80 years of culture and performance.
1 May 2020
Read more about what our Artistic Director Nick Dinopoulos and Senior Singer Ryland Mitchell had to tell The New Daily about rehearsing via Zoom during coronavirus pandemic.